We love having you as part of our audience. After all, Gives 0 isn’t much without you guys!

The decision to do Gives 0 as a full time endeavour was a tough one. I love doing it, but it isn’t structured to be a commercial operation. It wouldn’t last 5 minutes as a broadcast show (The FCC would shut this sh*t down quickly), it’s been yanked from Twitter (x), Facebook and YouTube, and (to me) putting commercials in it would just suck.

But, as an executive level Manager and Biz Consultant, I just can’t work in a workforce that supports some of the far fetched ideals (I know what a woman is and please, for the love of God, leave kids alone!) that most of the world adores and worships. Done. Nope. Nyet. Nada.

So, after starting this “hobby” in 2029, I’ve decided to keep doing Gives 0 full time, and I’m reaching out to you to help me grow and support it.

STEP 1) Listen to and share the podcast with your friends. The more the merrier and there’s always room for more good people in the GIVES 0 world!

STEP 2) Join our podcast membership! It’s only 5 bucks a month (more if you like) for exclusive member perks like early access and members only episodes. No ads. Plus special GIVES 0 merchandise discounts and offers. (I mean seriously, you can’t beat that!)

Your support helps us create top-notch (ok, it’s 3rd rate) content for you. It also helps us keep the lights turned on and, hopefully, continue the growth of our community of loyal listeners and the show. Please sign up today.

$5 a month!

Yeah… we’re cheap
around here.